

Students follow the curriculum prescribed by NCTE and Kolhan University for Two year full B.Ed. Degree. The following papers are part of the curriculum: Course Structure for the NCTE Two-Year B.Ed. Programme Semester Wise Distribution of the Course.

Semester 1
Subject Code Paper Title Credits Marks
Paper I Childhood and Growing up 5 100 marks
Paper II Contemporary India and Education 5 100 marks
Paper IV Language across the Curriculum 3 50 marks
Paper V Understanding Disciplines & Subjects 3 50 marks
Paper EPC I Critical Understanding of ICT 3 50 marks
Total 19 350 marks
Engagement with the Field : Tasks and Assignments for Course I, II, IV & V

Semester 2
Subject Code Paper Title Credits Marks
Paper III Learning and Teaching 5 100 marks
Paper VII A Pedagogy of a School Subject – Part I 3 50 marks
Paper VIII A Knowledge and Curriculum – Part I 3 50 marks
Paper EPC II Drama and Art in Education 3 50 marks
School Internship (1 Month) 3 50 marks
Total 17 300 marks
Engagement with the Field : Tasks and Assignments for Course III, VII A & VIII A

Semester 3
Subject Code Paper Title Credits Marks
Paper VII B Pedagogy of a School Subject – Part II 3 500 marks
Paper IX Assessment for Learning 5 100 marks
Paper EPC III Understanding the self 3 50 marks
School Internship (II Month) 5 100 marks
Total 16 300 marks

Semester 4
Subject Code Paper Title Credits Marks
Paper VI Gender, School and Society 3 50 marks
Paper VII B Knowledge and Curriculum – Part II 3 50 marks
Paper X Creating an Inclusive School 3 50 marks
Paper XI Optional Course* 3 50 marks
Paper EPC IV Physical Education and Yoga 3 50 marks
School Internship (II Months) 5 100 marks
Total 20 300 marks
Engagement with the Field : Tasks and Assignments for Course VI, VIII B, X & XI